Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

Being a landlord comes with a lot of duties and responsibilities, including keeping up with current regulations, fixing property issues, and addressing tenant grievances. A typical issue landlords encounter is managing noise complaints. It's your job to look into and resolve noise issues involving your tenant, whether the complaints come from other tenants or external parties. Resolving disputes over loud noises, whether between tenants or involving outsiders, can be a drawn-out process. You need to figure out if there's a real problem, and th…

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How to Write a Good Property Listing

How to Write a Good Property Listing

Becoming a landlord for the first time can evoke feelings of excitement and apprehension. While it offers the potential for property appreciation and passive income, it also comes with its fair share of duties and responsibilities. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, navigating the world of real estate rental can be smooth sailing. In this article by NFI Property Management Solutions, we'll discuss essential tips for first-time landlords to ensure success in managing their rental properties effectively. Essential Tips for First-…

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Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea

Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea

Being a landlord comes with many decisions, including those involving pets. Without proper screening, allowing pets into your rental property can lead to issues such as noise complaints and property damage. These can significantly impact your bottom line and lead to a poor landlording experience for you! Pet screening is an essential part of the tenancy process to protect your property and ensure the well-being of all tenants. In this article, we'll discuss why pet screening is always a good idea for landlords. Why Allowing Pets in Your Renta…

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Holdover Tenant

Holdover Tenant

Most landlords require tenants to sign a lease agreement before moving into their rental properties. And this is for good reason. For one, you are able to communicate to the tenant your expectations. But most importantly, you are able to define the period of the lease agreement. That is, the specific start and end date of the lease. This helps both parties know when the term begins and ends, to reduce potential misunderstandings. That said, even with a clear start and end date, a tenant may choose to overstay their lease which could lead to a …

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Florida Fair Housing Act: an Overview

Florida Fair Housing Act: an Overview

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a document that aims to protect individuals from dwelling prejudice when it comes to buying or renting a home. These laws were created to help ensure that everyone has equal living opportunities. As a dwelling provider, it’s important to know and understand the provisions of the FHA to avoid committing any prejudice. The provisions of the Fair Housing Act apply to all persons and entities involved in a dwelling transaction. The provisions protect buyers, residents, sellers, landlords, mortgage providers, lenders,…

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